Psychology major umich

February 22, 2024
Sponsored by the Psych SAA

Each Career Guide highlights curriculum requirements, as well as skills and abilities that may be developed and applied through each course of study. To complement the academic information, a range of interesting occupational opportunities are listed as a starting point for considering how academic experiences may translate to professional work settings. The Career Guide series represents a collaborative effort between The Career Center and numerous academic units.

Psychology Advising

Students choosing psychology as a field of the major develop an approved plan for the major with a department advisor. Students then assume responsibility for completing their program of study or for making revisions which will not jeopardize their graduation. Students are, however, encouraged to consult a department advisor at any time. A department advisor must approve the original plan for the major and any exceptions to the stated requirements for the major. Students should also consult a department advisor when planning the final term's elections to ensure that all requirements for the major have been met and to secure an advisor's approval on a Major Release form. Appointments for students are scheduled at 1343 East Hall or online through the Department website.

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HSP - Psychology Schools of Thought
Psychology Major
Psychology Major