We regret the errors that occurred in the first printing of the sixth edition of the Publication Manual and the inconvenience this has caused you. APA is not replacing desk copies. We have, however, produced a detailed corrections summary that should meet your needs. This document supplies the error list in a user-friendly presentation; it notes all the identified errors in the Publication Manual and puts them in context for greater understanding.
A printed version of the supplement, formatted to accompany the book, is also available through the APA Service Center. Please call 800-374-2721 for more information.
The ISBN is the same for the first and second printing of the sixth edition of the Publication Manual. However, the APA warehouse has been instructed to destroy (i.e., recycle) all copies of the first printing so they will not be mistakenly sent out. Even though the ISBN number is the same, all errors have been corrected in the second printing.
Check the copyright page, opposite the Table of Contents. If it is a second printing, the second paragraph will read "Second printing: August 2009." If it is the first printing, this information will appear on the last line, near the bottom of the page.
APA is not issuing refunds for the first printing of the sixth edition of the Publication Manual.
We have produced a detailed corrections summary that supplies the error list in a user-friendly presentation. This document notes all the errors in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual and puts them in context for greater understanding.
Please inform your students
(1) to visit the APA website at www.apastyle.org,
(2) to read and review the posted documents,
(3) to decide whether a revised copy is essential for their specific needs.
Presenting Your Findings: A Practical Guide for Creating Tables was published in 1999 and reflects APA Style according to the fourth edition of the Publication Manual. A revised edition of Presenting Your Findings was released in 2010, and this version has not been affected by the corrections to the sixth edition of the Publication Manual.
Most of the errors in the first printing of the sixth edition of the Publication Manual occurred in the sample papers, which are available to Concise Rules readers online, but are not included in the book. A small portion of nonsignificant typographical errors that occurred in the first printing of the sixth edition of the Publication Manual were duplicated in the first printing of Concise Rules.
Mastering APA Style: Student Workbook and Training Guide, Sixth Edition and Mastering APA Style: Instructor's Resource Guide, Sixth Edition are not affected by the errors in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual. Most of the errors in the first printing of the manual occurred in the sample papers, which are available to Mastering APA Style readers online, but are not referred to in either book. The remaining typographical errors that occurred in the first printing of the Publication Manual were not duplicated in either Mastering APA Style guide.
The softcover, hardcover, and spiral bound versions of the second printing of the Publication Manual are currently available.