American Academy of Forensic Psychology

July 1, 2024
That is traditionally regarded

The Distinguished Contribution to Forensic Psychology is granted annually, at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology. The award is announced in October and the recipient is invited to present an address at AP-LS the following year. The Executive Committee may seek nominations for the award, and anyone wishing to make a nomination may contact a member of the Executive Committee to do so.

The American Academy of Forensic Psychology elected, in 2005, to establish an award recognizing the distinguished contribution made by outstanding individuals whose extraordinary service to the profession of forensic psychology should be honored. It was established that the Beth Clark Distinguished Service Contribution Award would be granted only when it was clear that a truly unique level of service had been provided, in keeping with Dr. Clark's own remarkable work.

Nominations are sought annually for the Saleem Shah Award, co-sponsored by the American Psychology-Law Society (APA Division 41) and the American Academy of Forensic Psychology. The award recognizes early career excellence and contributions to the field of psychology and law. The focus on the nominee's contributions may be in any area of forensic practice, research, or public policy. Eligible individuals must have received the doctoral degree (or the law degree, whichever comes later, if both have been earned) within the last 6 years. Self-nominations will not be considered.

The American Academy of Forensic Psychology (AAFP) makes available up to $5000 (maximum award is $1, 500 per applicant) for grants to graduate students conducting dissertations in applied areas of law and psychology, with preference shown for dissertations addressing clinical-forensic issues. Awards can be used to cover dissertation costs such as photocopying and mailing expenses, participant compensation, travel reimbursement, etc. Awards cannot be used to cover tuition or related academic fees. Requests submitted in prior years are ineligible.

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