New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
As part of the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, you will be trained to be an independent thinker and active participant in a rapidly changing world. Courses in the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology degree program are presented in the context of cultural, socio-historical and transnational issues, enabling you to understand the relationships among psychology and other social and behavioral sciences. The program will also teach you to develop skills in writing, critical thinking and quantitative and qualitative research methods, to round out your preparation for your future career or graduate studies. As an undergraduate student, you may add practical experiences to enrich your Psychology degree program of study through service learning, internships, and research with individual faculty members.
This program provides a diverse curriculum of basic and applied courses in various perspectives of the psychology field, including clinical, cognitive systems, behavioral neuroscience, cross-cultural, developmental, organizational, and social psychology, as well as interdisciplinary fields such as health psychology and law psychology. You will learn from nationally renowned faculty, including psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers, and political scientists. Course requirements include upper division language and cultures, which includes completion of foreign language credits and upper-division courses within the Global Awareness or Cultural Diversity designation.
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