The Doctoral degree in Psychology is designed for students who have completed a Master’s degree and are interested in pursuing advanced doctoral training in topics related to statistics, research methods, and health (including mental health).
Theories from many areas of psychology are applied in research on health issues, including social psychology, cognitive psychology, biopsychology, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology. The interests of the faculty reflect our integrative approach to training students to conduct research on issues related to health and mental health. Of particular interest is research pertaining to health and mental health among military personnel and their families. For example, ongoing research by faculty addresses PTSD, substance use, partner violence, health related risk taking, stress and coping, pain, anger management, emotional experience and regulation in the workplace, training for stressful environments, depression and suicide ideation, and measurement of these factors.
The program is research-oriented and does not prepare students for licensure as care providers. As a research program, it provides students with opportunities to develop their scientific writing and oral communication skills and to apply their knowledge and skills in both laboratory and field settings. Below you will find links to information on courses and admissions requirements or email Dr. Rebecca Weston, the Ph.D. Advisor of Record, for more specific program questions. If you are interested in a therapy-oriented or other care provider-oriented degree, you may wish to look at UTSA's Ph.D. degree in Counselor Education and Supervision, offered through the College of Education and Human Development (COHED).
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