Social Psychology paper topics

June 25, 2024
Good social psychology paper

Class Time : Tuesday & Friday, 10 am to 11:50 am

Class Room : Eaton 214

Instructor : Chris VerWys

Phone : 276-8513

Course Description

When most people first think of psychology, images of insane asylums and people laying down on couches talking about their parents typically come to mind. However, many psychologists now prefer to study normal everyday behavior. Social Psychology is about how people think about, relate to, and interact with one another on a daily basis. During this class, we will examine principles of human behavior on an individual level, an interpersonal level, and in group settings. Some of the topics we will cover include self-esteem, romance, racism and sexism, aggression, obedience, conformity & persuasion, to name only a few.

One great thing about Social Psychology is that we are all amateur Social Psychologists by nature. Every day we make judgements about motivations and internal mental states just by observing other people and thinking to ourselves, why are they doing that ?

Social Psychology adds to human intuitions by scientifically classifying and quantifying normal human behavior. Utilizing scientific method and logical thinking, social psychologists attempt to determine cause and effect relationships in interpersonal behavior, in order to further the overall goal of psychology of being able to predict and control human behavior.

Course Structure : A combination of lecture and mass media presentations, class discussion will be encouraged whenever appropriate. In class experiments, videos, research papers, and other demonstrations will all be used to communicate course concepts.

Course Web Site : Notes can be found at . Click on the Social Psychology Link

Grading : One semester length paper which incorporates your understanding of key concepts with autobiographical events will be the sole basis for your final grade. This paper is due on Friday, April 15th . Since this is a semester long assignment, there will be substantial penalties for papers which are not turned in on time. One letter grade will be deducted for each school day the paper is late. Papers can be turned in as early as Friday, April 1st if you don't want to wait until the last minute.

Course Schedule

All Classes meet on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10am to 11:50 am in Eaton 214

Holiday and Due Dates :

Tuesday, February 22nd : No Class, Monday Schedule applies

Friday, March 11th : No Class

Tuesday, March 15th : Spring Break, No Class

Friday, March 18th : Spring Break, No Class

Tuesday, April 5th : GM week, No Class

Friday, April 8th : GM week, No Class

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