Online Psychology Courses

August 6, 2024
School Psychology

Students can find a number of free online psychology courses that don't require registration or tuition, but these courses don't result in college credit. Students interested in earning alternative forms of credit for the courses they complete online might want to look for online sources that charge a fee in exchange for access to course materials. has this type of distance learning program via its quick and informative video lessons with corresponding self-assessment quizzes. There are also free transcripts available for the video lessons. Both of these resources can prepare students to earn college credit. Students interested in studying psychology can find two courses available through Psychology 101: Intro to Psychology and Psychology 102: Educational Psychology. Some chapters in the Psychology 101 course include:

  • Biological Bases of Behavior - This chapter examines the biological factors that can affect behavior and includes videos on neurons, the nervous system, neuroplasticity and the endocrine system.
  • States of Consciousness - Topics covered include the sleep cycle, hypnosis, psychoactive drugs and theories about dreams.
  • Social Psychology - Some of the subjects covered in this chapter include stereotypes, attitudes, persuasion, conformity, group behavior and altruism.

Psychology 102: Educational Psychology features some of the following chapters:

Free Online Non-Credited Psychology Courses

Teachers and independent learners can access these course materials without registration; however, their use isn't accompanied by interaction with professors or the ability to earn credit.

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