Free relationship advice; who couldn't use that, right? And from an expert with a scientific perspective no less! Have you ever wondered what makes your significant other tick? Why you're attracted to the people you are? How to best nurture a relationship? Or how to get through a breakup?
Dive deeper into the science of relationships with social psychology expert and CSU faculty member, Dr. Jennifer Jill Harman, Ph.D., during this free online psychology course, popularly known as a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). The noncredit, social-based program is designed for individuals interested in the field of psychology and those who want to gain a deeper understanding of the science behind how relationships work.
What's a MOOC?
Massive Open Online Courses, popularly known as MOOCs, are noncredit, student-interaction-based programs that provide educational access to the public at no cost. They are typically less immersive than credit courses you'd find at a university, offering more generalized content that's meant to provide you with a breadth of understanding across the subject matter. MOOCs feature instructor-driven content with a heavy emphasis on student participation. This student-to-student communication creates knowledge and discoveries that enrich the course with a social aspect and shared experiences.
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