We publish a semi-annual, peer-refereed journal, Trainers’ Forum, which features articles relevant to the preparation of school psychologists. The journal is designed for a readership of academics who shape the field of school psychology. Libraries and publishers can purchase subscriptions to Trainers’ Forum.
Past Issues are embargoed for one to two years and are made available only in print to TSP members. To access older archived issues, please visit the Trainers’ Forum Archives.
The Trainers Forum invites articles concerned with research and program applications related to the training of school psychologists. Pertinent areas include, but are not limited to, assessment and intervention practice. The Trainers Forum accepts articles that are both data driven and conceptual, but consistent with best practices in the training of school psychologists. If you wish to contribute to the Trainers Forum, please follow these submission guidelines.
Manuscripts should be well organized, clear and concise, and follow the formatting and language guidelines of the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The current manual is available from the APA at
Authors are encouraged to use active voice and must avoid stereotypic and biased language.
All manuscript submissions should include:
- 1.A title page file, separate from the manuscript file, that includes the names of all the authors and their university/professional affiliations. Contact information- mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address of the first author should also be included.
- 2.Manuscripts submitted to the Forum are typically 20 pages in length, although the length may vary with the importance of the article.
- 3.An abstract of no more than 150 words must be included
- 4.Articles should be double-spaced and include references and in-text citations. All references and citations should be checked for accuracy and completeness. No footnotes should be included. Quotations 300 or more words in length require the written permission of the copyright holder for reproduction.
- 5.Manuscripts may not be under consideration by another journal or periodical
Manuscripts accepted for publication in the Trainers Forum are edited for correctness and consistency of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. In some cases, portions of manuscripts are edited for conciseness and clarity of expression. Edited manuscripts are sent to the first author. Changes at this stage are limited to correcting inaccuracies and typographical errors. Authors must bear responsibility for the accuracy of references, tables, and figures. Complimentary copies will be sent to all authors through the first author upon publication of the manuscript.
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