Program Coordinator:Professor James Wulach
The Four-Year Forensic Psychology MA/JD offers qualified students the opportunity to earn both a John Jay Master of Arts degree in Forensic Psychology and a New York Law School Juris Doctor degree in Law which may be completed in as little as four years. The curriculum is composed of the existing required and elective courses for the MA and for the JD, requiring a combined total of 128 credits, including 42 credits for the completion of the MA Program in Forensic Psychology and 86 credits for the completion of the JD Program in Law. However, 12 New York Law School credits focusing on mental disability law will be credited towards both the JD and the MA Program. Likewise 12 MA credits from the John Jay Forensic Psychology MA Program will be credited also to the New York Law School JD program. Consequently, due to the 24 transfer credits applied in the dual degree program, the actual number of credits taken will be 104, resulting in graduation for full-time students in four years instead of five.
Degree Requirements
The curriculum is composed of a combined total of 128 credits, including 42 credits for the MA program in Forensic Psychology and 86 credits for the JD program in Law. However, 12 New York Law School credits focusing on mental disability law will be credited towards both the MA and JD programs. Likewise, 12 credits from the John Jay College MA in Forensic Psychology program will also be credited to the New York Law School JD program. Consequently, due to the 24 credits applied in the dual degree program, the actual number of credits taken will be 104, resulting in graduation for full-time students in four years, instead of five.
The 42-credit MA program in Forensic Psychology consists of 24 required credits; 15 elective credits, including 12 credits from the New York Law School Mental Health and Disability Law track and 3 credits of externship. The 86-credit JD from New York Law School consists of 41 required credits, 12 credits from the Mental Disability Law Studies, 12 transfer credits from the John Jay MA Forensic Psychology program, and 21 additional law school elective credits.
Students are required to complete their first full year of law school without John Jay MA courses during that regimen; they are likewise required to complete their first year of the MA program in Forensic Psychology (24 credits) without New York Law School course (except those counting toward the MA degree) during that period. Although students have the option of starting their degree in either of the two programs, non-transferable Forensic Psychology MA courses can be counted towards the JD unless they are begun after the student has completed the first year at NYLS.
(42 credits, including 12 transfer credits from New York Law School)
Required Courses
I. MA Program in Forensic Psychology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (42 Credits, including 12 Transfer Credits from New York Law School)
Required MA Courses (24 Credits)
Required MA Supervised Externship (3 Credits)
MA Forensic Electives (15 Credits)
A. Mental Health and Disability Law Electives (Select 4 courses, 12 Credits from NY Law School, maximum one per semester).**[2]
- Survey of Mental Disability Law (CRI 507). Required for this Specialty.
- Advocacy Skills in Cases Involving Persons with Mental Disabilities: The Role of Lawyers and Expert Witnesses (ADV 600).
- The Americans with Disabilities Act: Law, Policy and Practice (CON 275).
- Custody Evaluations, Juvenile & Family Law, & Mental Disabilities (FAM 160).
- Forensic Reports, the Role of Experts, and Forensic Ethics (CRI 280).
- International Human Rights and Mental Disability Law
- Mental Disability and Criminal Law (CRI 260).
- Mental Health Issues in Jails and Prisons (CRI 250).
- Mental Illness, Dangerousness, the Police Power and Risk Assessment (CRI 275).
- Race, Gender, Class, and Mental Disability
- Sex Offenders (CRI 508).
- Therapeutic Jurisprudence (UCI 125).
- Trauma and Mental Disability
B. MA Forensic Electives (Select 1 course, 3 JJC MA Credits)*
II.J.D. Program, New York Law School (86 Credits, including 12 transfer credits from John Jay College of Criminal Justice).
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