How to Declare a Psychology Major
We are pleased that you would like to declare a major in Psychology. To make your declaration official you need to complete the following steps: 1. Complete the Major Declaration Form (also available in the Registrar's Office and the Psychology Department). Turn the form in to Marcye Van Dyke, the Psychology Department Office Manager (phone 395-7730), Schaap Science Center 1110. 3. Attend a required Major Declaration Meeting. Dates are listed below. Psychology Major Declaration Meetings for Spring 2016 All students who want to declare a psychology major MUST complete the above forms and attend a meeting before the declaration form is forwarded to the Registrars Office. Following are the dates and times for Spring Semester. Tuesday February 9, 11:00 am 11:40 am, Science Center 1111 Tuesday March 8, 11:00 am 11:40 am, Science Center 1111 |
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